Day of the Confrérie – July 18

The Journée de la Confrérie is marked by the coronation ceremony of the winning vignerons-tâcherons awarded by the Confrérie des Vignerons, the real raison d’etre of the Fête des Vignerons

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Day of the Confrérie – July 18

The Journée de la Confrérie is marked by the coronation ceremony of the winning vignerons-tâcherons awarded by the Confrérie des Vignerons, the real raison d’etre of the Fête des Vignerons

This ceremony is held July 18 at 19 in the morning, from the first performance of the Fête des Vignerons 2019’s spectacular show. It gives a special character to the first day of the festival: the pinnacle of the magical and dreamlike staging by Daniele Finzi Pasca, the vignerons-tâcherons will be called upon to see their talent recognised and applauded. This has taken place at all the Fête des Vignerons since its origin in 1797. Medals of gold, silver and bronze as well as rewards will be given to them. No one knows, before this solemn moment, which will be the best amongst them, those who will be crowned in a sign of public homage. After this extraordinary celebration, the spectacular show, given in their honour, resumes until the grand finale when all the honoured winegrowers take the lead and are invited to parade between Vevey and the Tour-de-Peilz. A stately procession will bring together all the actor-performers of the show, members of the Confrérie and the adoring fanfare that will surround the heroes of the day with joy and jubilation. Here we revive the Confrérie’s parades of old, which from the 17th century regularly enlivened the inhabitants of the city of Vevey and surrounding areas. This year, the public will be free to attend the passage of this joyful human fresco free-of-charge, first on the streets of the two cities and then on the shores of Lake Geneva. After this whirlwind of colours and the warm effervescence, make room for the huge banquet. As tradition has it, all participants who formed the procession will be invited, along with the guests of the Confrérie des Vignerons, to take part in a meal served in as many places as required for its reception: thousands of guests will share “a frugal banquet”, as the Confrérie has cheekily enjoyed describing this festive moment for several centuries. The jubilation will continue then until nightfall…